Friday night saw an action packed game at the Link Centre with Aaron Nell scoring a hat-trick and Dylan Lipsey (son of Wildcat legend Daryl Lipsey) netting his first goal for the Cats.

The cats secured a convincing 7-2 win over the Basingstoke Bison but fell short to a 5-2 defeat against the league winners, Leeds Knights.

Swindon Wildcats Vs Basingstoke Bison match report:

The Cats opened the scoring just 22 seconds in with Nell firing the puck past Lawday. Nell then scored his second with a snapshot which went straight through Lawday and into the back of the net at 07:59.

The first period Hat-trick was then completed with Nell scrapping the puck into the net at 19:38.

End of the first period: Wildcats 3-0 Bison

Just 32 seconds into the second period Nell added another one to the tally with a lovely shot into the top corner. However just 10 seconds later Marcel Balaz went straight from face-off and wrapped the puck round and into the empty cage to get the Bisons first goal of the game.

Balint Pakozdi increased the deficit back to four as he scrapped the puck over the line at 22:03. Dylan Lipsey then scored his first goal for the Cats as he drove to the net and deflected the puck past Lawday at 37:26.

The Cats scored another goal this time from Cowley who tapped it in at the back post at 38:19. The Bison ended the period with a goal of their own through Jack Peacock at 39:35.

End of the second period: Wildcats 7-2 Bison

The final period saw the game fizzle out with both net-minders making some solid saves keeping the score to 7-2.

End of the game: Wildcats 7-2 Bison

Swindon Wildcats Vs Leeds Knights match report:

The Cats took the lead with a highlight reel goal from Pakozdi who dangled past two players and slotted it past Gospel at 07:37.

End of the first period: Wildcats 1-0 Knights

The Cats carried on their momentum and extended their lead to two with a snipe from Nell into the back of the net at 26:09. The Knights hit straight back with Brooks slotting the puck past Marr at 28:53.

And with the Cats getting into penalty trouble the Knights took full advantage with Haywood placing the loose puck past Marr at 31:27. Then just over a minute later Brown stole the puck and gave Shudra a perfect pass who then found the back of the net.

End of the second period: Wildcats 2-3 Knights

The Knights came out flying in the final period with Brown getting into be scoresheet as he fired it past Marr at 43:15. The Cats threw everything at it but Gosepl stood strong in the Leeds net. Brown then capped off a 5-2 victory for Knights with an empty net goal.

End of the game: Wildcats 2-5 Knights

Make sure you book your tickets now for the local derby against the Bristol Pitbulls on Saturday night.🐾