Stevie Whitfield wants you to join him on Saturday 7th May to celebrate his testimonial. The event is being held at the Link Centre Swindon and doors will be open from 5:45pm for a face-off at 6pm.

It will be an emotional time for Stevie who has played his entire semi-professional career in Swindon, so we’re sure many of you will want to come along and show your support for one of Swindon’s favourite sons.

“I’ve been very fortunate to have played for the Swindon Wildcats for eleven years and have been rewarded a testimonial game.

I am so thankful for my time with the Swindon Wildcats and a big reason for that is the fans. I hope that as many of you as possible will be able to come to the testimonial and celebrate my time with the organisation, as well as taking the opportunity to catch up with some former players. 

To mark my time with the club there will be a game between two teams made up of past and present Wildcats players with a couple of surprise appearances mixed in”.

You can keep up to date with Stevie and check out who’s playing by following his dedicated social media updates. He’ll be posting and tweeting every week and telling you all how you can get involved.

You can buy your tickets online from Wednesday 9th March, just go to the Wildcats website via their ticketing page