The Wildcats are defeated on their final home game of the season by the Raiders IHC, who are in the Cats play off group and play each other again in two weeks.

However it was great to see Swindon Wildcats debuts for academy players Josh Burnett and Samuel Rai who stepped up and played some big shifts for the team.

The Cats also came away from the game with no injuries and was nice to see the full squad, fit and ready to go for next weekend.

It was also amazing to see the hundreds of people who queued after the game for the full team signing. The amount of Wildcats shirts getting signed was fantastic.

Game Report:

The game started off with both teams trying to work each other out. Both keepers Marr and Windebank making some solid saves.

The first goal came with a bit of controversy with the puck bouncing off Malasinski’s skate and into the back of the net.

However, it was not a deliberate kicking motion therefore the referees stuck with their original decision and the goal stood. Assisted by Billing

End of the first period: Wildcats 1-0 Raiders

The second period started similar to the first with both teams still shutting the other down defensively. The Wildcats also killed of a couple of penalties

However, the Raiders got the equalizer at 35:33. Jake Sylvester with an absolute rocket of a slapshot into the top corner past Marr.

The Raiders used this momentum and went on the front foot. After some strong pressure on Marr they got the go ahead goal. Tjay Anderson dragging the lose puck past Marr and backhanding it into the net.

End of the second period: Wildcats 1-2 Raiders

The third period was all Wildcats who created many chances but just couldn’t find the finishing touch. Windebank made some quality saves to deny Tower, Malasinski and Lubwele.

The Wildcats pulled Marr for the extra skater but the lose puck bounced to Dewey who fired it the length of the ice and into the empty net.

The Raiders took the victory but the Wildcats will be looking for revenge in the play offs in two weeks.

End of the game: Wildcats 1-3 Raiders 

Make sure to cheer on the boys next week as we face the MK Lightning in our first play off game.