Mine’s a Keeper

We celebrated Valentine’s Day last week and we’re hoping there is still a bit of love in the air so can we get away with a pun? This one is deliberate and what’s more, you’ll crease up with the title. Week 4 of the Wish for a Warm-Up shirt is ‘Mine’s a Keeper’.

That’s right, we’ve got our goalies, netties, brick-walls and whatever ‘kind’ nicknames you have for them, it’s your chance to win Renny Marr and Tyler Perre’s warm-up shirts.

If you want to win their warm-up shirt then you know what to do. If you’ve forgotten or you’re new to our competition, you need to buy yourself a bunch of Wishes from the Supporters Club desk. Each Wish is £2.00 and relates to a number that goes into the draw. We’ll be asking Renny and Tyler to draw a number sometime next week and the person with the winning number wins their shirt – it’s as simple as that. The draw closes at 8pm on Sunday but you can email and buy online now (supporters.club@swindonwildcats.com) or set yourself a reminder to visit the Supporters Club desk on game night.

We’re also opening up the voting process for February’s Player of the Month today so click on the link below and register your vote. Please remember we need your FULL NAME for your vote to be counted.


Voting closes at 8pm on Thursday 29th February and the trophy will be presented before the Bees game on Saturday 2nd March.

Happy wishing and happy voting.